You Dig!
2010 | 6 mins
You Dig! is a series of six - five minute films produced by myself for MTS TV.
I made two: Ice & Where Does All The Garbage Go?
Beth Azore made two: Belter’s Beef & Monkeys
and Mike Maryniuk made the last two: Milkman and Knitters.
Mike put together the editing for the opening featuring the Prairie Dogs digging on the old map of Winnipeg.
That was Beth’s idea.
We had hoped to do more of these of these shorts …
I have a soft spot for the one called “Ice”.
Winnipeg. Winter time. The city is filled with ICE! What to do?!?
Where Does All the Garbage Go?
Garbage. It’s pretty much a growing problem. For Winnipeg city where does it all go?